Wednesday, August 20, 2008

4 posts in 1

There have only been two exact times that I remember having a migraine. They were both in middle school. Both of those times, I remember the blurred vision before the headache hit. Yesterday, I was preparing dinner, when I developed a funny spot in my vision. I thought that I had looked at a bright light. Well, when it didn't go away, I knew what is was and panicked. I called Jason and then ran around getting Jack ready for today's daycare because I was afraid that I was going to be out for the evening. Sure enough, Jason got home at 5:30 and the headache hit. I laid in bed until 7:30, at which time I fell asleep until 5:30am. It was awful.

Right before the migraine hit, Jack and I arrived home to a package on our doorstep. Apparently, his Aunt Jennifer had been to Orlando (I didn't know that) and had sent him a souvenir. It was an adorable stuffed Eeyore. Eeyore is my favorite right behind tigger. I got home today and looked everywhere for Eeyore. Since I barely even remember last night, I didn't know what happened to him. After 10 minutes of searching, I found him...

I feel like I let Jack down, today. I was carrying him down to get the trash cans and, like usual, he screamed and kicked because he wanted to be down on the driveway. I put him down and tried to get him to go with me. He wouldn't. So, I left him there and walked the 10 feet to the end of the driveway. He took off after me and tumbled forward. The neighbor across the street came over because he heard the thud. Poor baby. It left a nasty scrape/bruise on his forehead and a scrape on his nose.

Jack got to play with three out of his four Birmingham girlfriends, last weekend...


Heather said...

Hope you're feeling better! Jack's poor little head, lol. I bet he had a little headache too after that fall :(

James said...

Save that picture of Jack. That could be a mug shot!