I have found that bloggers tend to you use a lot of lists. So, now that Jack is 12 months old I'm going to give you 12 facts about him...
1. He completely gave up the bottle at 11 months old.
2. He only has 1 tooth.
3. When random people talk to him, he looks at them like they are absolutely crazy for about 10 seconds and then breaks in to a grin. They love it.
4. He will be a cousin this Fall.
5. For the most part, he is already off formula.
6. He hates fruit, likes vegetables, and loves waffles.
7. He's a little bit skinny and a little bit tall.
8.He's been to the beach 3 times.
9. He's been to Huntsville at least once a month, since he was 2 months old.
10. He's a miniature version of his daddy. Really, everyone raves about how much he looks like Jason. I think the hair has a lot to do with it.
11. He loves animals! He is obsessed with our cats, Sam and Dugan. They haven't gotten any peace since Jack became mobile.
12. He has 4 great-grandparents.