Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break funnies...

Funny #1:
Jack: I need a little bit of water. I got bubbles in my mouth.
Mommy: Jack, did you drink the bubbles.
Jack: Yes, I did. It's okay. I just need a little bit of water.

Funny #2:
I was in the shower, when Jack rant into the bathroom, opened the shower door, and handed me my open cell phone. He said, "your phone is ringing mommy". Instinctively, I reached for it even though my hand was full of shaving cream. Sure enough, it was counting the seconds for a number I didn't recognize. I closed it, walked (soaking wet) towards the den to give it to Jason, in case they called back. Jack had locked us in my bedroom.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lee said...

He is so funny!