Sunday, December 6, 2009

Coming Soon...

This morning, Jack was in a Christmas Pageant. It was at the church, where we send him to daycare. All of the 2s, 3s, and 4s, were part of it. It's sad that while most parents were waving at their child, Jason and I were ducking and hiding so that he wouldn't see us. Just as expected, he made a huge fuss, when we left him in his classroom to get ready. Not in my wildest dreams could I picture him willingly going up there in front of one hundred or so people. But, he did. They have been practicing a lot, so I guess he was just used to it. Also, we have been singing Away in A Manger every night for the last 3 weeks getting ready for it. I'm not sure that he actually sang, but he did a couple of the motions. I did get it on video and hope to get it posted in the near future.

We kind of have a lot going on. Not only am I pushing the 9 month mark, but we sold our house and bought another one. Both closing dates are at the end of this month. I'm starting to think that we have lost our minds. But, it will be worth it, when I get to spend my maternity leave in a nice new house!

1 comment:

Cassie Clark said...

Congratulations on your new house, and selling so quickly! Can't wait to see pictures.