Friday, October 23, 2009

Time To Rest

We all survived the week. I can't believe it is finally over. This week was my Fall Book Fair. Book Fairs are exhausting without being 7 month pregnant. They require lots of library rearranging, lots of planning, lots of walking to teachers classrooms, and lots of convincing 5 year olds that they can't buy 5 things with $2.00. All of this, including a faculty meeting Monday and a Tech Rep meeting (downtown) Tuesday, and we are all a little worn out. Jason was on "Jack duty" for the most of the week. Jack, had to spend a couple of evenings at daycare until almost 5:30pm.

I did get to come home to a great surprise, though. Jason hired someone to come and clean our house, today. They washed sheets, vacuumed, dusted, mopped, cleaned bathrooms, and other things that surprised me. I don't think anything was left on the floor. I'm pretty sure that they even cleaned out the microwave. Also, I'm fairly sure I heard Jason mention something about this being his present to me, until the baby gets here. Yay! I don't seem to have the ability to rest, when there are chores that need to be done. My mind just doesn't work that way.

I am adding a video "treat" to this post. We never set a bedtime routine for Jack, but one has naturally taken over. Jason and I trade off who puts Jack to bed. We both do the same thing... 1)read a couple of books 2)say prayers 3)sing a song 4)say good night. The only thing different is that I sing "Hush Little Baby" and Jason sings an old bible hymn (that he got because the Greatful Dead used to sing it). Anyway, he has actually sung this song to Jack, since he was born. Well, about a week ago, Jack belted the tune out with Jason from beginning to end. It shocked us both because he has never sang a word of it. I was so glad that I was in our bedroom with the baby monitor on. Now, he always sings it with Jason.


J. Lee said...

That was the cutest thing I have ever heard!

Tina K Rogers said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!