Today, I received a pay check for the first time in about 12 months. It felt good to be making my own money, again. The economy has been so upsetting, lately, that it feels good to return to a secure job with good benefits. Working again, has been a huge adjustment that we are still figuring out. I leave my house before Jason, Jack, or the sun have risen. I usually pick Jack up by 4pm. That begins the most difficult part of my day. I am so tired that I would love to take my heels off and relax, but there is no relaxing until Jason gets home around 5:30 or 6:00pm. A couple of days a week, after I pick up Jack, we run to the grocery store or some other errand. That just wears me out even more. But, I love every bit of it. Things were becoming a little mundane, before I returned to work. Now, Jack gets to play with friends all day!
To celebrate the big pay day, I had planned to take my family out to dinner. Well, when I picked Jack up , they said that he never took a nap (That was the First I was talking about). We ran over to the Galleria for a few minutes and it was quite evident that we would not be taking him to a restaurant. Dinner was postponed until another evening. And, we put Jack to bed at 6pm.
By the way, last week Jack had his 15 month check-up. The doctor looked at the bruises on his face and said, "I can tell you have a 15 month old". He has been bruising a lot, lately. Just like Day 1, Jack is still tall and skinny (those were the official terms the doc used).
A typical after dinner face...