Sunday, May 11, 2008

What are the Chances?

I wasn't sure that I was going to get around to a Mother's Day post, but this could not be ignored....

Uncle David is visiting, so Jack and I headed to Huntsville this afternoon to spend a few days with him, before they leave for Aunt Jen's graduation from Vet School. Jack was definitely going to bed on time because we've all been a little cranky since I made my family sleep in the basement, last night, because the weather was supposed to get really bad around 2am.

My mom was going upstairs to rock Jack to sleep and I followed, so that I could turn off all the lights and tell my sweet little boy goodnight. She sat down, with him, and I took the hair brush out of his hands so that he would suck his fingers. He got very upset, started crying and said, "mom, mom, mom, mom"! My mother and I kept convincing each other that he just spoke. Since he was reaching for me, I took him, calmed him down and gave him back to my mom. I kissed him on the forehead and started to walk away; he reached for me and said "mom" twice, again. To be honest, it took me about 10 minutes to realize that he said "mom" on Mother's Day. That was such an amazing treat for me and I'm still trying to convince myself that it happened.

The interesting thing about babies is that they can either change a lot in a few weeks or go months without making huge accomplishments. We had hit a stalemate and then it was one accomplishment after the other. Since last weekend, Jack has clapped, waved, stood for up to 5 seconds, and said his first word.

Jason played in a golf tournament, last Friday, while Jack chewed on his "My First Golf Bag". That was a Christmas present from Aunt Jennifer.

We went to Helena's Buck Creek Festival, on Saturday. We met my Uncle James and Neda there last year, when I was very pregnant and decided to go back, again. Unfortunately, we had to leave before they got there, this year.

Jack would not stay on our blanket. He was more interested in the people around us.

We have been experiencing some major separation anxiety. Jack doesn't look too upset in this pic, but he was crying and staring out the front door because I was doing some yard work.

Jason has "issues" with Jack wearing so many foreign clothes. I think he has set an age at which Jack can only wear Auburn clothes. haha.

1 comment:

Heather said...

How sweet! I know that just made your year:-) Jackson is still in the babbling phase, mainly only saying gaga and something that sounds like dada. Happy Mother's Day!